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九年級英語作文:The love from my parents600字

九年級英語作文:The love from my parents600字

As we all know, our parents love us very are parents! Here I'd like to share my experiences with you about how my parents love me.
   When I was a child, every morning when I got up, the breakfast had been prepared for mother always varied the diets to give the nutrition I needed.I think that is the main reason why I am so strong and healthy!Thank you ,mum ,I love you !
   My father also loves me a lot! I remember every time I failed in an exam, he would encourage me not to lose , I love you as well!
   In a word, both my parents love me deeply. I am also grateful to them!I think words can't express how much I love them!I will work hard to realize my dream ,which I think will make them happy.

九年級英語作文:The love from my parents600字
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