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高三英語作文:How to Protect Ourselves from Infectious Disease550字

高三英語作文:How to Protect Ourselves from Infectious Disease550字

Nowadays, the infectious disease breaks out now
  and then. It causes so many problems for people that a lot of people
  can't go to school or work. What's worse, some get seriously
  ill or even die.
  W hat should we do to avoid being infected by the disease? .
  First of all, we should keep good habits, such as keeping
  clean, eating healthy food, taking enough exercise and so on.
  Besides, we should not go to crowded places. I ask but not
  least, if we feel uncomfortable or have a fever, we must go to
  hospital at once for limely treatment.
  Happiness lies first of all in health. Only in this way can
  we live a healthy and happy life.

高三英語作文:How to Protect Ourselves from Infectious Disease550字
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