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高三英語作文:The person who has influenced me most500字

高三英語作文:The person who has influenced me most500字

The person who has influenced me most is my uncle. You will not find anything unusual until you learn more. As a doctor, he is both kind and patient with patients. Besides, he is so careful that he has never made any mistakes. He says, "As a
  doctor, We can't be too careful. "What's more, he cares for the old who have lost their only children.
  To my surprise, my uncle has decided to donate not only all his
  money but also his body after his death. How brave and
  kind-hearted he is!
  All in all, I have been moved by my uncle. I realize that he is a
  man who has a heart full of love.

高三英語作文:The person who has influenced me most500字
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