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2018年會考上海市英語作文範文一:My progress800字

2018年會考上海市英語作文範文一:My progress800字

My progress
  I used to be poor at English, especially(用especially是爲了寫具體點) in reading and writing(英語不就包括聽說讀寫嘛) which I consider extremely difficult. The biggest problem was that after reading a passage, I couldn’t fully understand it, which makes me feel very depressed and frustrated(這兩個詞不會用的話可以考慮用考綱詞upset,甚至sad). But I kept on reading difficult English articles instead of just giving up. And I I also practiced English writing whenever I had a chance. (具體寫我的奮鬥過程,沒有過程哪來的結果?) Little by little (也可以用Gradually), I made remarkable(這個詞同學們要是不會可以簡單地換爲much) progress in English and gained(也可以選用picked up) a lot of confidence(寫着寫着就回歸到信心這個永恆的主題上來了) through my constant(這個詞要是不會可以簡單地換爲hard) effort. As you can imagine, nothing makes me prouder than feeling my progress in English. My dear reader, as long as you bravely face your weaknesses and take effective ways to overcome them, I believe you will, like I do, be able to see your progress in yourself.(由己及他,昇華主題)

2018年會考上海市英語作文範文一:My progress800字
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