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國民小學英語 >六年級 >



Peopleall over the world like to eat in fast food restaurants. The food there isdelicious and it comes very quickly. Also it is not too expensive and therestaurants are always clean and bright. People can eat in or take their foodaway.
  Chinesefamilies love to eat in fast food restaurants too. There are two kinds of fastfood restaurants in China. There are Western fast food restaurants and thereare Chinese ones. Western fast food restaurants sell hamburgers fresh friesfried chicken legs chicken nuggets drinks and so on. The Chinese fast food restaurantssell dumplings noodles spring rolls and other Chinese snacks.
  Myfamily likes fast food but we don’t eat at Western fast food restaurants veryoften. My mum says some fast food is bad for us. It is usually high in fat soit is not good for our health.


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