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六年級英語作文:Chinese cultural activity 600字

六年級英語作文:Chinese cultural activity 600字

Dear Peter,
  How's everything going? I'm writing to tell you something about the Chinese cultural activity which our school will organize for your exchange are going to meet at the school gate. Then we’ll go to visit Museum of Dinosaur by coach. There you’ll see many different kinds of dinosaur fossil. After visiting the museum, we’re going to watch the colorful lantern production. You will learn how to make the colourful lanterns. If you want to have a try, you can make them by yourselves. In the afternoon, we will go to enjoy erhu playing. It’s very interesting. At five o’clock, we will come back to our you enjoy your trip.
  Li Hua

六年級英語作文:Chinese cultural activity 600字
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