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高三英語作文:An Unforgettable Winter Holiday650字

高三英語作文:An Unforgettable Winter Holiday650字

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present my speech here. My topic today is?an unforgettable winter holiday.?Personally, this winter holiday was quite different. Because of COVID-19, I had to study at home and take online classes. As a result, I found I was able to learn by myself. I also helped my parents with housework like cooking. And I learned how to cook well. Last but not least, I had more time to communicate with my parents. Therefore I learned to get on better with I learned during this holiday will surely influence my future life. I will be more self-controlled and independent. And I am sure I will face difficulties and challenges more 's all for my speech. Thank you for your time.

高三英語作文:An Unforgettable Winter Holiday650字
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